Real time updates

I've updated everything so that the graphs now update automatically every hour, pulling fresh data from each time. The accompanying text also updates at the same time. The header in each chart contains a timestamp of the last update time.

If things break please let me know via twitter or email. My sincere thanks to Fantasypros for keeping their data open and available. I highly recommend their draft simulator.

The model:

This is a tier model for fantasy football. I take aggregated expert ranking data from and pass it into a clustering algorithm called a gaussian mixture model. The algorithm finds players that are ranked similarly across the expert pool, then uses that information to find the natural gaps and tiers between players.

For example, a ranked list implies RB6 > RB7 > RB8. This model will find situations where RB6 = RB7 >> RB8. The results are plotted on graph to help you visualize the tiers, which can help you draft your team and set your line up each week.

Draft kit:

1. Standard - PPR - 0.5 PPR
2. Spreadsheets
3. Position charts [ QB - RB - WR - TE - K - DEF ]